III. Solution: An Evolved, IT/Cybersecurity Managed Service Paradigm Specifically for the DIB
Funded primarily by the private enterprise marketplace, we propose to use currently operational cloud technologies to fully host and protect DIB companies within multi-tiered, defendable, and agile enclave cloud environments. The basic idea is that willing companies will migrate their current IT infrastructures into highly structured, standardized, and protected environments. Responsibility for i) IT ii) cybersecurity and iii) privacy will transfer from DIB companies to a newly created services company whose sole mission is to protect and support the DIB.
One such company will be insufficient to protect the full DIB. A series of such organizations will no doubt develop to do so. The first will demonstrate and effectively evangelize the model.
We envision engineering this environment and specific requirements associated with it so it can be replicated by other companies. Demand will far exceed supply. Therefore, following the model established by Elon Musk, we intend to make our solutions available to others who are in a position to replicate them at minimal cost. We feel this model is required in order to scale at the rate necessary to meet national security demands.
It is our view that it is now technically feasible to protect large swaths of the DIB with extremely high levels of protection and, when done at scale, the costs for such protection will be less than current costs. While development and implementation of such a solution is clearly challenging on multiple levels, we are fortunate that the quickly evolving technical landscape presents this opportunity and solution.
The initial, willing DIB participants, can be migrated and co-located into multi-tiered, defendable, and upgradable enclave cloud environments, versus allowing them to solve this cybersecurity problem for themselves. While such a transition and transfer of risk is no small task, it is less daunting than trying to protect the DIB through the current method of tackling and maintaining CMMC compliance one company at a time.
The creation of multiple secure, government-like (e.g., GCC High), cloud environments which allow for multiple company enclaves is not only technically feasible, but also a superior technical and managerial solution. And the economies of scale of such a shared environment will make it a solution everyone can afford. While most companies only track direct IT costs, there are significant indirect IT costs, that, when added to the direct costs, makes this solution even more attractive. Especially for the majority of DoD contractors - small businesses.
It is our judgment that if these new cloud environments all follow and meet our standardized requirements, then these environments can be engineered to be 100% secure. Please understand that as cybersecurity professionals, we fully understand the current impossibility of a 100% secure environment and the danger of even using such terminology. But we have come to believe that this is an achievable goal.
But we ask the reader not to think of this solution in terms of today’s IT ecosystems. We ask you to move your thinking forward and look into the near future.
Current cybersecurity discussions give all advantages to the attackers. And rightly so. The current IT ecosystem is not defendable for the vast majority of organizations. But if the attackers were always confronted by the most sophisticated defenses available, then the number of attackers would be radically reduced, and defenses could be further honed to deal with them.
We believe that our stated goal of 100% security for clients who are willing to migrate their IT infrastructure into these fully controlled environments is technically feasible--even today with classical computing. However, effective use of emerging technologies such as AI, ML, blockchain, and other technologies, coupled with fully managed IT and security environments can further improve the security equation for participants. And, if one considers the exponential potential of quantum computing, then the possibilities for a new security paradigm become even stronger. The one variable that is hard to control is the human being. We will design, build and manage environments that can even deal with the challenge of error-prone human behavior.
All things considered, we believe our proposed solution is the only logical possibility.
IV. Taking the Conversation Further
Some topics for thought regarding our solution:
1) Our solution represents a radical evolution of the existing MSP and MSSP business models. The current MSP/MSSP model is designed to minimize cost, not to maximize security, and there is no incentive for the MSP/MSSP to increase security.
2) This is the only type of system that can keep up with the ever-changing environment. Technology evolution is occurring at a faster pace each day, and the threat vector also continues to change and adapt each day as well.
3) The current environment wherein each company is required to procure, manage, and evolve their own IT infrastructure environment is no longer feasible.
4) Even though multiple, evolved, managed service providers, providing both general IT and cybersecurity support for the DIB represent multiple points of failure and lucrative targets for our adversaries, the advantages of this model heavily outweigh the downside.
5) The economy of scale that could be provided to the DIB represents a significant value to companies throughout the verticality of the supply chain and the US government within that environment.
6) Being concerned with the cybersecurity practices/processes of one entity is much easier, and cheaper, than having thousands of third-party vendors performing these services.
7) This system would remove most human error from the DIB companies and place it squarely in the realm of technical and cybersecurity professionals.
8) Transferring the responsibility to update and adapt systems and processes to just a few associated organizations versus hundreds of thousands of independently managed companies facilitates a completely different security paradigm than we see today.
9) A single (or a few), managed providers with strong ties to the DoD can be informed of, and react to, changes in the threat environment in near real time.
10) As the DoD (and other U.S. governmental agencies) adopt the CMMC program, they will find it much easier to deal with fewer responsible entities who are providing these services to thousands of companies.
11) The CMMC program will need far fewer resources to become successful. Fewer trained and qualified assessors will be needed to certify fewer critical entities. With more assessors now available than currently required, more frequent assessments can be conducted. So, instead of conducting a CMMC assessment once every three years, and not continuously reducing the real risks that take place much more often than three years, the government can assess whenever a trigger in the operational or strategic environment dictates a new assessment--regardless of interval timing.
12) As our adversaries move to take advantage of gaps in our security posture, those gaps can be remediated in near real-time and prevent the exploitation of any vulnerabilities throughout the entire DIB at one time. This shrinks the window of vulnerabilities that our adversaries have to attempt to steal sensitive data from any of the DIB enclaves.
13) It is noted that our adversaries are moving toward a more artificial intelligence (AI) driven model of attacking companies in the DIB. An AI response to this threat is the logical choice. However, AI technologies are new and usually too expensive for DIB companies. Placing significant AI capability into a managed service provider allows for each and every company in the DIB to share the cost of, and benefit from, this emerging technology and always be at the cutting edge of this technology without having to wait for internal AI economies of scale to reach the point of affordability for them.
14) This model takes advantage of the fact above for all emerging technologies. Machine learning and quantum computing are but two of the newest technologies that will have significant impacts on the security of the DIB and the country. We cannot look into the future and guess which new technology will have the greatest impact, but through the leveraging of a single managed provider, no matter what technology, we can quickly and easily incorporate it into the existing infrastructure and provide it to the DIB in a quicker and more cost-efficient manner.
15) Many companies in the DIB already outsource multiple facets of their businesses. Outsourcing is a common and well understood model for these companies and a route they have chosen over other options based on the same factors listed above. It is cheaper to implement, better for them since they do not have to hire employees for these functions, and easier since they do not have the expertise to fully grasp all of the security issues they face. Companies will be more comfortable with a service provider model, and the country will be more secure.
16) As previously mentioned, this new model assumes that we assume all IT infrastructure and cybersecurity risk. Cyber insurance still exists, but since the environment is so demonstrably more secure, rates would be substantially reduced.
17) This is not solely a technology solution; it is also a process solution. A 100% secure cybersecurity defense must consist of a coordinated mix of engineered technologies, processes, and a cooperative/controlled interaction between the entire ecosystem of participants, including the DIB companies, the DoD (eventually expanding to the whole of the US government), and the service provider.
18) The assumption today is that regardless of your cybersecurity posture, if the attacker wants in, they can get in. That assumption absolutely must change. What does it take to change that? In today’s world, that assumption is true. But nothing stays the same--everything changes. It is time to change this paradigm.
For more information about our business plan and progress, please contact:
Chris Golden: chris@3rd-party-risk.com
Mitch Tanenbaum: mitch@turnkeycybersecurityandprivacysolutions.com
Ray Hutchins: rh@turnkeycybersecurityandprivacysolutions.com