
Protection of Client Data

If you choose to do business with us, the process of providing you with specific cybersecurity and privacy program recommendations requires that you trust us with information about you, your company, and certain high-level information about your security program (or lack thereof). Even though the hackers already know (or can easily surmise) that you don't have adequate security, once we collect the previously-described information about you, we now share responsibility with you and Google to protect that data. Being cybersecurity professionals, we know the threats we are up against and also the strategies, tools, and processes required to successfully protect any data you share with us.

Here is some of what we do to protect your data:

  • Our company builds turnkey cybersecurity and privacy programs. Therefore, we have built for ourselves a cybersecurity and privacy program that is fully aligned with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and the NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Frameworks. Additionally, our cybersecurity program is fully aligned with other regulations that apply to our client's requirements such as the NY DFS 500 regulation, HIPAA regulations, and the DoD 800-171 regulation. While we are currently doing no work on DoD contracts, since we are a vendor to companies who are working on DoD contracts, TCPS is currently engaged in the process of becoming fully CMMC compliant. We intend to be one of the first companies to become CMMC certified once that certification is available. In order to become DoD CMMC certified, we are using the same CMMC program we sell to our clients.
  • Our TurnkeyCybersecurityandPrivacySolutions.com (TCPS) website was built using a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL) approach which includes the OWASP 10. Our CyberCecurity.com website does not collect ANY data and therefore does not require a SSDL approach.
  • Our TCPS.com website and the databases associated with it are hosted at Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • The security architecture of the TCPS.com website, all associated technologies, and the AWS environment they reside within have been engineered by Colorado's leading AWS engineering group.
  • Please feel free to ask us about more details related to our cloud security architecture and our AWS engineering team. Most cloud and on-premise IT environments are not correctly architected for security, therefore they are insecure and vulnerable to attack. Ours is secure. Therefore, your data is secure.
  • If you would like some more information about how we set up our AWS environment, please watch this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/Qp34LBv2Row
  • The security of the TCPS.com website is regularly tested with vulnerability scans and penetration tests.
  • If you license one of our cybersecurity and privacy programs, we will deliver that program to you via a secured Google Drive folder that is part of our enterprise-level business account with Google. This environment allows us to share content with you and anyone you authorize, but no one else. Additionally, it gives us the secured access we need to support your progress.
  • We are fully and comprehensively insured by Beazley Insurance Company, Inc., one of the leading and most experienced cybersecurity insurance companies in the United States.

Can your company or anyone else you are doing business with make the above claims?

NOTE: Our team is available to securely engineer YOUR company's IT infrastructure on the AWS (or other cloud) platform as well. Please ask us for more information about this important and valuable service.




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