We are cybersecurity professionals, and we build comprehensive cybersecurity and privacy solutions for small-to-medium sized companies. In response to the pandemic, and as part of our larger suite of products, we are distributing at NO COST a Turnkey
Telework Program to help small-to-medium sized businesses make this
transition more securely. This is the program you are viewing and at
this time we are distributing it at no charge. The program is
copyrighted, but we authorize you to use it for your business needs.
What makes this information different than other information about teleworking is that we focus on the cybersecurity side of things. How do you enable a telework force while still protecting sensitive company, client, and customer data? That is the issue we address. We provide you with our best technical and strategic advice that is easily understood by any business professional. We offer you all the tools and all the options required for
your company to implement a much more secure telework program.
This is a powerful tool. If you set up your own teleworker program and
follow our suggestions, your people will benefit, and you will acquire a new set of skills that
will result in happier workers and greater productivity.
This is v.01 of this new program and we'll automatically send you free updates and additions to the program. For example, shortly, we'll be adding telework training related to cybersecurity for both staff and management.
Mitch and I hope that this information will be of benefit to you and your company.
Please take the time to look at our full Turnkey Cybersecurity and Privacy Program offerings.
All the best to you and yours,
Ray and Mitch, Partners
Turnkey Cybersecurity and Privacy Solutions, LLC
CyberCecurity, LLC