

Compliance Requirements and Sensitive Data
  • Cybersecurity Compliance: IRS Pubs 4557, 4587, GLBA, NY DFS 500. Any applicable state or national cybersecurity regulations (typically based on customer location). Any applicable PCI requirements.
  • Privacy Compliance: Any applicable state or national privacy regulations based on customer location-includes CCPA.
  • Data: Sensitive financial data. Taxpayer data. Client personal and business data. Company business and personal data.

The accounting industry as a whole is responsible for some of the most sensitive information in our society. Client financial information, bank statements, tax returns, personal client financial data...the list goes on. (See the Compliance Requirements and Sensitive Data info above). And while it is true that some of the larger accounting firms have done a good job protecting the data they are responsible for, the great majority of accounting firms have sadly neglected their responsibilities in this area. As a result, these accounting firms have exposed their clients and themselves to much unnecessary cybersecurity and regulatory risk.

Additionally, accounting firms that do not protect their assets with robust, state-of-of-the-art security environments are unintentionally decreasing the value of their companies. Cybersecurity is now a critical component of business valuations. See our cover story article in the NACVA publication and our video Why Your Company is Worth 30% Less Than You Think.

And the necessary move to more remote work is increasing these risks because remote work increases the attack surface into your networks. We urge you to take a close look at our free Remote Work Cybersecurity Program. It will help you address this new business risk.

Also, please take a look at our Turnkey Cybersecurity & Privacy Programs that match your business size and other requirements. We offer the only comprehensive, turnkey programs for small to medium sized businesses. Our programs include direct hands-on support from us to ensure that you are actually able to build a program that protects the data you are responsible for.



Accounting Firms L1
Program for very small firms or solo practitioners with 1-5 staff.



Accounting Firms L2
Program for small firms with 6-50 staff.



Accounting Firms L3
Program for larger firms with 51-250 staff.

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